10 Reasons to use WhatsApp for your Business in India.
PayTm is for Payments.
Colgate is for Toothpaste.
Xerox is for Photcopying.
WhatsApp is for Messaging in India.
I’m sure you have heard or told…
WhatsApp Me or Let’s be in touch on WhatsApp or Add me in your WhatsApp Group & ….Send me the details on WhatsApp.
Yes, We use email, iMessage, SMS or Calls for our Business communications
Out of the one’s mentioned above.
The most preferred medium is always WhatsApp.
Hope you’ll agree.
Do you know or if this has come to your attention?
1) We check WhatsApp a Minimum of 61 times in a Day.
2) Most of our contact’s are on WhatsApp.
3) WhatsApp is the only Medium which from our Boss to our Parents to our Children use it or have an account & use it everyday.
4) 487 Million WhatsApp User’s in India.
5) Most used Messaging App in India.
6) Highest No. of Daily Active User’s.
7) We are active on WhatsApp for a Minimum of 40 minutes everyday.
8) Over 43% of User’s are Female.
9) Over 77% of the Messages are Read or Replied within 15 minutes.
10) India is the 2nd Biggest Market for WhatsApp.
Hopefully, you found these growth and user stats interesting.
Now I’d like to hear from you.